Special Guests
Candace Cameron Bure
Actress & Author
Actress, producer, New York Times’ bestselling author and inspirational speaker, Candace Cameron Bure, is both outspoken and passionate about her family and faith.
Karen Abercrombie
"Miss Clara" from War Room Movie
Award-winning actress, singer-songwriter and a Parents’ Choice Award winning storyteller.
Laura Story headshot
Laura Story is a songwriter, worship leader, author and all around multi-faceted girl-next-door.
Sheila Walsh
Author & Recording Artist
Well-known Bible teacher, author and co-host of the television program Life Today.
Tammy Trent
Concert Artist
Tammy Trent is a survivor, speaker and singer.
Meredith Andrews
Award-winning Recording Artist
Meredith Andrews is a Dove award-winning musical artist, songwriter, and worship leader.
Lisa Whelchel
Actress, Author & Speaker
You may know Lisa Whelchel best from her days playing “Blair” on the 80’s television show, “The Facts of Life.”
Michael O'Brien
Recording Artist
Michael spent years as the lead singer for Newsong and has been an important part of Fresh Grounded Faith events for over a decade.
Keith and Kristyn headshot
Concert Artists
Keith and Kristyn Getty occupy a unique space in the world of music today as preeminent modern hymn writers.
Shaun Groves
Recording Artist
Shaun Groves is a communicator who’s known by a lot of titles: Singer/songwriter. Speaker. Blogger. Husband. Daddy. Friend.
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