Tammy became a familiar voice on Christian Radio in 1995 with hit songs, such as “Welcome Home”, “Run To The Cross”, “My Irreplaceable” & “Rain On Me” that have brought life and hope to her many listeners, but on September 11th, 2001 her songs ceased for a time. Tammy stepped away from the spotlight to heal after the tragic death of her husband and childhood sweetheart while on a missions trip. That day would change the world forever. That day changed Tammy forever.
One year later she returned as a featured speaker and performer at the Extraordinary Women’s conference and was also asked to share the Women of Faith platform for 4 years. Tammy’s ministry has taken her all over the world, speaking at women’s conferences, church events, and retreats. Tammy’s a gifted communicator who draws her audience close with her contagious humor and fun, energetic personality and yet the sincerity of her heart and wisdom of life experience is woven through the very words she speaks.